
Duckbill Adult Mascot Costume

Bird Mascot Costume is a popular choice in the market. Wanna get one for the coming party? Yellow Chicken Adult Mascot Costume and Kinky Bird Adult Mascot Costume have already introduced to you. Today we will focus on Duckbill Adult Mascot Costume. Below are more details.

Our Duckbill Adult Mascot Costume is a black one. As the name suggests, this duckbill has long and flat yellow mouth which is very eye-catching. The whole costume is a jumpsuit with an attached head.

The Duckbill Mascot Costume is comfortable to wear as it comes with quality materials and lined with plush. The material is also breathable, so you will not feel too hot with it. Besides, the head part has special foam to add extra protection. The feet is water-proof and skip-proof, so there is no need for you to worry about getting your feet wet or falling down. Precision trimming and delicate details also make our Duckbill Adult Mascot Costume a standout.

We offer custom made services to help you get the perfect fit. You also can benefit a lot from our free shipping and fast service. Buy it by clicking the picture below!

